Pioneer National Escrow Network, LLC (PNEN) is a part of the Pioneer Title Company family of Companies offering immediate and professional construction disbursement and inspection services with lien and subordination waiver assistance. Whether you are a Lender, Builder or Owner, don’t hesitate to contact PNEN to discuss your current project. We pride ourselves on flexibility and tailoring our program to meet your needs.
Construction Disbursements
Let PNEN handle the bookkeeping for you each file contains a Trust Summary reflecting all debits and credits and is available anytime (after a deposit, processed draw request or completion of project).
Lien Endorsement Waivers
Our General Counsel, together with our Underwriters have perfected a lien endorsement waiver that is placed on the back of each check issued with a short legal or property address inserted. Upon negotiation of the check the lien waiver is secured. Optimal lien waiver coverage calls for subcontractor, suppliers and those providing fixtures and machinery to be paid separately and is recommended.
Paper Lien
Subordination Waiver
If a paper waiver is your preference we are happy to prepare and provide those with our waiver containing subordination verbiage as an added bonus.

Lender Progress Inspections
PNEN offers commercial and residential progress inspections providing digital photographs to memorialize the status of the project together with a progress report allowing Lender’s to review and compare with cost breakdowns and plans and specifications.